A Guide to the Mythic Fantasy World of Glorantha


The Glorantha Sourcebook is an essential resource for Greg Stafford’s world of Glorantha, one of the most extensively developed and renowned fantasy settings of all time. A world of mythology, gods, and heroes, Glorantha has inspired roleplaying games, board games, computer games, comics, fiction, and more, a setting beloved and revered worldwide.

Glorantha is a cube of earth some 5000 miles wide surrounded by the limitless Sramak’s River. Above the world is the Sky Dome, where the stars and planets nightly dance across the heavens. Each morning the Sun emerges from the Gates of Dawn, and travels across the Sky Dome until it reaches the Gates of Dusk. The temple door is sealed! The former abbot of the temple, now a crazy hermit (see The Village of Larm) informs the party that it may only be opened by Orison of War, the temple sword, stolen over forty years ago by Gralph, a traitor who was a secret devotee of a Death Cult. Oat bundle skeletons behind. I started off by gluing short lengths of dowel to a 2p coin and building up some groundwork around the dowel with my usual tile-adhesive-and-poster-paint gloop. I then added greenstuff to the sides and scratched in stems with a craft knife.

  • Glorantha Bundle: an original bundle of unparalleled text-based RPG strategy games. If you're searching for something completely new, this bundle is a must-have. If you're searching for something completely new, this bundle is a must-have.
  • Glorantha is based off of themes found in myth rather than from Tolkien's works, and given the fact that Greg was a practicing shaman with a degree in Comparative Religion it's completely batshit. The 'world' is a cube floating in an endless sea topped with a dome of stars that is really the underside of a land of gods and myths.

An invaluable resource for gamemasters, players, and readers of fantasy worlds, this sourcebook is gorgeously illustrated and filled with informative maps and diagrams. Drawn from a variety of out-of-print and rare sources, this material has been dramatically revised, updated, and expanded. Alongside this foundational material are new essays, insights, and extrapolations on the world and its incredible denizens.


Inside this sourcebook, you’ll learn about the creation of the world; the main ages of its past; the history of Dragon Pass and its people; the pantheons of the gods, including the Lightbringer and Lunar pantheons; the Coming of Argrath; Elder Races such as the Elves, Dragonewts, Dwarves, and Trolls; genealogies of the major royal dynasties; legends and lore of the various tribes and peoples inhabiting Glorantha; the fundaments of Gloranthan magic and the Runes that shape the world; the history and gods of the mighty Lunar Empire; and finally, the Hero Wars!

This systemless sourcebook can be used to enhance and support any fantasy roleplaying game of your choosing, includingRuneQuest,HeroQuest, and 13th Age Glorantha, and others.

“Glorantha is my personal North Star as an author of vast fantasy game narratives… a sacred but unattainable goal.”
-- Ken Rolston, The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, Oblivion.

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The Glorantha Sourcebook covers the following subjects:

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  • Geography: A basic overview of the geography of Glorantha.
  • History of Dragon Pass:A history of the central crossroads of Glorantha.
  • The Elder Races:A short overview of the main non-human species that predate humanity and once dominated the world.
  • Theogony:The story of the gods of Glorantha, primarily arranged by element (Darkness, Water, Earth, Fire, and Air).
  • Time:A history of Glorantha since the first Dawn.
  • Gods of the Lunar Way:The new gods of the Lunar religion.
  • Redline History of the Lunar Empire:A comprehensive history of the Lunar Empire since its founding and going until the early Hero Wars.
  • Gloranthan Magic:A short essay on the Gloranthan Runes, types of magic, and some theories about what is magic.
  • Gods and Mortals:An overview of gods, mortals, and those who straddle both worlds.
  • Sartar Magical Union:A list of the magical units that served Prince Argrath in his war against the Lunar Empire.